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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 423-662

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Systems of Differential Equations that are Competitive or Cooperative II: Convergence Almost Everywhere

Morris W. Hirsch

pp. 423-439

Growth Properties of Stationary Klein–Gordon Equations

Takasi Kusano and Charles A. Swanson

pp. 440-446

Elementary Wave Solutions of the Equations Describing the Motion of an Elastic String

Michael Shearer

pp. 447-459

The Number of Peaks of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Parabolic Equations

Wei-Ming Ni and Paul Sacks

pp. 460-471

Modulational Stability of Ground States of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations

Michael I. Weinstein

pp. 472-491

Convergence of Essential Spectra for Intermediate Hamiltonians

Christopher Beattie

pp. 492-499

Diffusion in Fissured Media

Michael Böhm and R. E. Showalter

pp. 500-509

A Nonlinear Problem in Age-Dependent Population Diffusion

Michel Langlais

pp. 510-529

Formation of Singularities for a Conservation Law with Memory

Reza Malek-Madani and John A. Nohel

pp. 530-540

An Eigenvalue Problem for a Volterra Integral Operator with Infinite Delay

Gustaf Gripenberg

pp. 541-547

On the Sharpness of Weyl's Estimate for Eigenvalues of Smooth Kernels

J. B. Reade

pp. 548-550

Limits of Dilated Convolution Transforms

W. R. Madych

pp. 551-558

Order Stars, Approximations and Finite Differences I. The General Theory of Order Stars

A. Iserles

pp. 559-576

Radar Ambiguity Functions and Group Theory

L. Auslander and R. Tolimieri

pp. 577-601

Matrix Elements of Irreducible Representations of $SU(2) \times SU(2)$ and Vector-Valued Orthogonal Polynomials

Tom H. Koornwinder

pp. 602-613

On the Convexity of the Zeros of Bessel Functions

Árpád Elbert and Andrea Laforgia

pp. 614-619

Special Functions for the Symmetric Space of Positive Matrices

Audrey Terras

pp. 620-640

The Limiting Eigenvalue Distribution of a Multivariate $F$ Matrix

Jack W. Silverstein

pp. 641-646

Some Summation Formulae for Nonterminating Basic Hypergeometric Series

A. Verma and V. K. Jain

pp. 647-655

Rational Interpolation to $e^x $, II

Peter B. Borwein

pp. 656-662